Insurance tips for Preventing Space Heater Fires!

With the cooler weather rolling in, insurance agencies know this is the time that many homeowners get out their space heaters.

Considering the cost of electricity right now, many families may depend more on their space heaters than during previous winters, too.

Unfortunately, with the rising use of these heaters, insurance companies usually see a rise in fire insurance claims.

These tips from insurance agents can hopefully help homeowners avoid a space heater fire, and the damage that can result!

  1. Start With A Safety Inspection -  Before the first lighting of the season, insurance agencies recommend doing a safety inspection of the wiring and plugs, after which any broken parts be replaced or repaired as necessary for safe operation. 
  2. Put It In The Right Place - Once the space heater is confirmed to be in good condition for use, position it in an area that is at least three feet away from furniture or walls that can ignite. Set space heaters on hard, uncarpeted floors like wood or tile, as carpeting can build up heat from under the heater and melt or ignite as well.
  3. Avoid Extension Cords - Since they draw a strong current and insurance companies see many fires started from overheated extension cords, only run a space heater by plugging it directly into a wall outlet. 
  4. Keep Flammable Items Away - Keep anything flammable, especially fabric and flammable liquids, far away from space heaters as this is a cause for many of the fires reported to insurance companies
  5. Keep Kids And Pets Away - Kids and pets could be injured around hot space heaters or knock heaters over, causing a dangerous spill and fire. Teach children to avoid space heaters at all times, do not allow them to light or control them, and only use them in areas where pets will not encounter them. Surrounding space heaters with metal baby or pet gates is a useful idea to prevent injuries and accidents. 
  6. Don’t Leave It Unattended - Insurance agents stress the importance of never leaving a running space heater unattended. Turn it off if it is necessary to leave the room or the house for a period of time. 
  7. Turn It Off At Night - Similar to the point above, space heaters should also be turned off at night while everyone is asleep. They should only be run while someone is awake to monitor them and intervene should a problem arise.

Electric space heaters are a cost-effective heat alternative to turning up the thermostat in the whole house.

When used carelessly, they are the cause of many of the dangerous and damaging house fires reported to insurance agencies every winter.

Observe these important safety tips from insurance agents and stay safe and warm this year!